Data sources
Axiell Collections is a web-based Collections Management System (CMS) designed to manage the digital and physical collections of Archives, Libraries (special libraries) and Museums. These three types of collection have much in common but also specific collections management needs, and to meet those needs Axiell Collections is available in three distinct models:
- Archive
- Library
- Museum
Our CMS is also intended for multi-discipline collections, and various combinations are available:
- Archive+Library
- Archive+Museum
- Library+Museum
The XPlus model is intended for organizations with all three types of collection:
- Archive+Library+Museum
Below you will find a brief description of data sources available across each model of Collections.
Authority data sources
Two data sources that are a little different from the others are the Thesaurus and Persons and institutions. Known as Authority data sources, these are used for vocabulary control and they manage the many names and terms referenced by records in almost every other data source. The purpose of a controlled vocabulary is to ensure consistent use of names and terms throughout your records and this is achieved by specifying that a name or term is preferred; then when a non-preferred version of a name or term is selected in a Linked field A type of field used to link one record to another. A Linked field is a drop list of values (records that the field can link to). When a link is made, the field stores a reference to the linked record (a linkref). drop list, it is automatically replaced with the preferred name or term.
Note: Persons and institutions actually serves a dual purpose: it is both an Authority data source for preferred names, but also a source of information about people and organizations involved with your collection in some way.
Other relationships between terms / names are also managed in Authority data sources. In the Thesaurus we can build hierarchical relationships between terms (broader, narrower, related and equivalent) and in Persons and institutions we can identify pseudonyms and equivalent names. And, finally, we manage the status of terms and names in Authority data sources by indicating whether they are approved, obsolete, rejected, etc.
Linking records and vocabulary control go hand-in-hand: the Authority data sources hold records for names and terms and fields in your other data sources link to these records.
Details about working with Authority data sources and preferred terms and names can be found Authority data sources.
Data sources available in Axiell Collections
Your system may not include all data sources in this list:
Data source |
Typical purpose |
Primary data source |
Secondary / sub data source |
Catalogue |
The Catalogue data source can have one or more divisions, each a data source in its own right and designed to manage a type of collection: |
Moving image catalogue |
Documents film collections according to the FIAF cataloguing rules for film archives. ![]() The Moving image catalogue data source When creating a Moving image catalogue record, the New Catalogue record panel in Record details View includes a Record type drop list with five options:
When a Record type is selected, a tailored set of panels and fields displays for recording details about the collection item. A hierarchy of parent / child relationships can be defined for these Record types. For example, you record details of a film and give it a Record type of Manifestation; you then record details of a reel for that film and give it a Record type of Item; the Item record could then be made a child of the Manifestation record (this would be done on the Hierarchical relations panel in Record details View). Notes
See Moving image catalogue: how to create a film record for assistance with creating records in this data source. |
Object catalogue |
Documents museum collections according to the Spectrum 5.0 Cataloguing rules for museums. Contains records of items that are in the organization’s permanent collection, on loan, and disposed of. ![]() When creating or editing an Object catalogue record, the Management status drop list on the Identification panel in Record details View provides a number of options for describing the type or status of an object:
Most options are self-explanatory. The default Management status for new records is internal (although each organization can configure this default status as required). Note: The distinction in earlier versions of Collections between an internal object and an external object is now specified by selecting internal or in loan respectively. See Object catalogue: how to create an object record for assistance with creating records in this data source. |
Archives catalogue |
Documents archival collections according to the ISAD(G) cataloguing rules for archives. ![]() When creating or editing an Archives catalogue record, the Level drop list on the Identity statement panel in Record details View provides six options for specifying an item's archival level:
The adjacent Management status drop list provides a number of options for describing the type or status of an archival item:
For example, a record for an archival item that has been intentionally destroyed can be assigned a status of destroyed. See Archives catalogue: how to accession and catalogue archival material for assistance with creating records in this data source. |
Library catalogue |
Documents library collections according to the ISBD cataloguing rules for bibliographic items. Contains records of books, serials, maps, articles, and other items. ![]() When creating a Library catalogue record, two fields must be completed on the New Catalogue record panel in Record details View. The Record type drop list identifies whether the record is a Work or Item:
In earlier versions of Collections, copies were recorded in their own data source; now they are documented by selecting Item from the Record type drop list and linking the record to the original via the Catalogue number field (part_of_reference (bt)) on the Copy details panel. Below the Record type drop list is the mandatory Document type drop list from which you select the type of material to be documented:
When a Document type is selected, a tailored set of panels and fields displays for recording details about the library item. See Library catalogue: how to create a library record for assistance with creating records in this data source. |
Accessions |
Contains records of deposits of archival materials. These records describe the deposited items, document their acquisition, and outline any conditions affecting their use. Also available in the Museums model, where it can be used to document multiple items as a single accessions record. See Archives catalogue: how to create an archives record for assistance with creating records in this data source. |
Non-collection items and accessories |
Contains records of objects that are not part of the collection but need to be tracked (e.g. picture frames, stands, microfilm readers, handling collections). | ||||||||||||||||
Acquisitions & acquisition proposals |
Contains records of the process of acquiring items for the collection, even if the process does not lead to an acquisition. Useful for capturing object information such as provenance before the acquisition has happened. |
Assessments and treatments |
Contains records of conservation, restoration, and condition checks / assessments performed on items in the collection. |
Auctions |
Contains records of auctions through which collection items are acquired; can be linked to records in the Library catalogue, and on the Acquisition panel in the Object, Moving image, and Archives catalogues . |
Collections |
Contains records for named collections of library items in the Library catalogue (e.g. the books of a specific collector). |
Collections review |
Contains records of formal assessments of the collection (or specific areas of it). This data source implements the Spectrum 5.0 Collections review procedure. |
Container types |
Contains records for standard measurements of storage containers. These records can be linked to records in Locations and containers. |
Currencies |
Contains records of currencies used throughout Axiell Collections, including current exchange rates. |
Events |
Contains records of events that can be linked to a Moving image catalogue record, such as a première, censorship, or the receipt of an award. |
Exhibitions |
Contains records of exhibitions held by the organization, or featuring material from the organization’s collection. |
Field collection |
Contains records relating to the collection of collection items in the field, generally for archaeological or natural history collections. Records can be for a collection event or the sites visited in a collection event. |
Geographical thesaurus |
Contains records of important places, serving as a thesaurus of authoritative place names for many fields throughout Axiell Collections. Places can be organized hierarchically and plotted on a map. |
Incoming loans |
Contains records of museum-style loans made by other museums or collectors to this organization. Objects in loans can be documented in the Objects catalogue with a Management status of in loan. This data source implements the Spectrum 5.0 Loans in procedure. |
Item Requests1 |
One of three data sources that support Reading Room functionality. Users supports user registration; User Categories is for registration of user categories; Item Requests handles reserving, lending and returning of items to your institution's Reading Room. |
Library Purchase Orders2 |
Used to record purchase order details for library materials to keep track of a purchase order. Details about using this data source can be found in the Axiell Collections Model Application 5.1 Release Notes. |
Locations and containers |
Contains records of storage locations that can hold materials in the collection. These can be fixed locations (a room or bay for instance) or moveable containers (such as a box or tray). |
Manual Purge of serial issues3 |
One of two data sources, Serial subscriptions and Manual Purge of serial issues designed for management of serials. Together they are used to register and manage subscriptions to serial publications. |
Maps |
Contains records of the base maps and overlays used to plot GIS fields (such as those used in the Geographical thesaurus data source). |
Missions |
Contains a mission (intention) to move one or more collection items or containers, accessed with Axiell Move. Only available as part of an Axiell Move Premium system. |
Mission items |
Contains a request to move a single collection item or container. These requests are gathered into a mission (in the Missions data source) and accessed with Axiell Move. Only available as part of an Axiell Move Premium system. |
Multimedia documentation |
Contains records of image, video, and audio files, including digital metadata, that can be linked to other records in Axiell Collections through image fields like media.reference (FN). |
Outgoing loans |
Contains records of museum-style loans made to other museums or organizations. The objects in these loans can be documented in the Catalogue data source. This data source implements the Spectrum 5.0 Loans out procedure. |
Persons and institutions |
Contains records of important people and organizations, serving as an authoritative list of names for many fields throughout Axiell Collections. Biographical, contact, relationship, and other information can be recorded. |
Registration / synchronisation queue Permanent IDs |
If globally-unique permanent IDs are used for any records in your system, this data source can be configured to contain a queue of requests to register these IDs with an external service. |
Retention schemes |
If your organization uses Axiell Collections for records management as well as archiving, this data source can contain information about classes of records, including the length of time to hold them and what should happen at the end of this period. Records managed with retention schemes can be documented in the Archive catalogue by setting a Management status of semi-current record. ![]() The Retention schemes data source holds records of retention schemes: generic categories of types of item (meeting minutes, financial statements, publicity materials, legal documents, etc.) with information about how long this category should be retained and what should happen with it at the end of the retention period (archived, destroyed, reviewed and possibly kept as semi-current for longer). |
Serial subscriptions4 |
One of two data sources, Serial subscriptions and Manual Purge of serial issues designed for management of serials. Together they are used to register and manage subscriptions to serial publications. Details about using these data sources can be found in the Axiell Collections Model Application 5.1 Release Notes. |
Series |
Contains records of the titles of book series; for use specifically in the Library catalogue. |
Taxonomy |
Contains taxonomic names with their descriptions and hierarchical relations. |
Thesaurus |
Contains records of important terms, serving as a thesaurus of authoritative terminology for many fields throughout Axiell Collections. Terms can be organized hierarchically and contain source information. |
Transport |
Contains records for movements of objects into or out of your organization (movements within the organization are handled in Catalogue records). This data source implements the Spectrum 5.0 object entry / object exit procedures. |
Contains a record for custom templates uploaded through the Output formats box. Note: The Uploaded templates data source is available in systems using Model Application 5.2; with some configuration, it can also be available in systems using older Model Applications. ![]() The Output formats box lists one or more output formats, each designed (by Axiell or your Application Administrator) for a specific printing / reporting purpose. Output formats use Microsoft Word templates, Excel templates5 or XSLT style sheets to specify what fields (data) are included in the printed output, as well as to lay out and style the data. Custom Word and Excel templates can be uploaded to Axiell Collections with the Output formats box. In systems using a Model Application prior to version 5.2 a custom template typically has to be uploaded every time it is needed. ![]() Even if your system's Model Application is older than version 5.2, it is possible for Application Administrators to configure Collections to save custom templates automatically when they are uploaded through the Output formats box. This will create a record for the template in the Uploaded templates data source and make the template available to authorized users in the Output formats box. Note: Application Administrators will find details about how to configure Collections to save custom templates uploaded through the Output formats box under Storing uploaded custom templates in the Implementation guide. If your system has been set up to save custom templates automatically when they are uploaded through the Output formats box, the following information is also relevant in your system, with some noted exceptions. With Model Application 5.2 a template uploaded through the Output formats box is automatically listed in the box and a record is created in the Uploaded templates data source. Here authorized users can manage the list of templates in the Output formats box, change the name of templates (by default an uploaded template is listed using its file name and a prefix of Uploaded), determine access to templates, and hide templates:
By default, users only have access to their own uploaded templates, templates they have been granted access to by other users, and the records for those templates in the Uploaded templates data source. Users with the Note: It is only possible to edit records in the Uploaded templates data source, not to create them. An uploaded template record contains seven fields, three of which can be edited:
If your system's Model Application is older than version 5.2:
Use of collections |
Contains records of any use made of items in the collection, including enquiries, reproduction, publication, and demonstration. This data source implements the Spectrum 5.0 Use of collections procedure. |
User activity log6 |
Intended for Administrators (read-only for other users). Holds details of bulk operations performed by users and the login of users. Bulk operations include importing, exporting, printing, running tasks and find-and-replace procedures. Authorized users can access the logged information to identify who performed a bulk operation and when; and when users logged in. Details about using this data source can be found in the Axiell Collections Model Application 5.1 Release Notes. |
User Categories7 |
One of three data sources that support Reading Room functionality. Users supports user registration; User Categories is for registration of user categories; Item Requests handles the different stages of reserving, lending and returning items to your institution's Reading Room. Details about using these data sources can be found in the Axiell Collections Model Application 5.1 Release Notes. |
Users8 |
One of three data sources that support Reading Room functionality. Users supports user registration; User Categories is for registration of user categories; Item Requests handles the different stages of reserving, lending and returning items to your institution's Reading Room. Details about using these data sources can be found in the Axiell Collections Model Application 5.1 Release Notes. |